Thanks so much for posting this. I appreciate the sentiment that you say that you are listening. For most of us, this is something we have yet to see from SE, but I'm hopeful to hear you saying this at the very least. Let's keep this conversation going.
I want to personally apologize for our actions or inactions, as the case may be, in the past that had a negative impact on our relationship. While specific recent events may have individually caused harm, years of neglect and a growing distance from our community lead to those events and it will take conscious effort to repair the damage.
Thank you for apologizing. For the past few months, it felt like SE believed they had done nothing wrong or that they were not accountable to the community. This statement is the beginning of an apology -- for the first time in a while, it almost sounds like SE is acknowledging that they have made mistakes recently. I respect and appreciate that.
However, we need a more specific apology to understand what this site will look like going forward. What specific actions or inactions are you apologizing for? The treatment of Monica, the unexplained removal of community moderatorsmanagers, and the boilerplate responses thus far, etc., have each wounded the community. The community sees each of these instances as mistakes by SE that demonstrated directly that Stack Exchange was not interested in listening to us. Each issue requires specific and clear language for us to know if we can trust SE to not repeat these actions again. For instance, in the removal and subsequent treatment of Monica, SE did not follow their stated process, modified the process without explanation or clarification, and directly harmed her through other actions. How can we be sure that SE will not behave like that again?
If SE does not see these instances as mistakes and will not apologize for them -- if SE will handle these kinds of situations in the same (or similar) ways if they were to happen again -- it's better for everyone if you could just tell us that now. The community needs to know this before we can move on. If we don't get more specific language regarding these lingering issues, the issues will remain in the back of everyone's mind, continuing to erode away our trust.