Some sites have asked to have their vote to close threshold lowered, from 5 to 3.
It's something that would be really nice, and while some CMCMs had access to do it in the past, but now they are no longer for MSEdo not. Could this be on the road-map ? asAs it implyrequires a dev thatto help our CM there., could this be on the roadmap? It's maybe not a big item, but some sites are waiting for such change.
It's a change that was planned just before some CM firingfirings, but now our CM left gotremaining CMs have that intotask left in their hands
I ask, as I keep poking our CM for that in TL, but they have no dev time allowed much for thatthe task. It's not their fault, but if the item is not on the roadmap then that does not help them to get the ressourceresources to do it.