Adding another toggle to reverse the sorting would require an overhaul of that view without a clear benefit.
The easiest thing that could work and wouldn't require a ton of dev time, in sites.js find function initializeListView()
and change the getSortData
object to:
getSortData: {
oldest: function (elem) { return parseInt($(elem).find('input[name="creation-date"]').val(), 10); },
newest: function (elem) { return -parseInt($(elem).find('input[name="creation-date"]').val(), 10); },
questions: function (elem) { return -parseInt($(elem).find('input[name="questions"]').val(), 10); },
answers: function (elem) { return -parseInt($(elem).find('input[name="answers"]').val(), 10); },
percentanswered: function (elem) { return -parseFloat($(elem).find('input[name="percent-answered"]').val()); },
users: function (elem) { return -parseInt($(elem).find('input[name="users"]').val(), 10); },
traffic: function (elem) { return -parseFloat($(elem).find('input[name="visits-per-day"]').val()); },
questionsperday: function (elem) { return -parseFloat($(elem).find('input[name="questions-per-day"]').val()); },
name: function (elem) { return $(elem).find('input[name="name"]').val(); },
// sort almost all the things
questionsasc: function (elem) { return parseInt($(elem).find('input[name="questions"]').val(), 10); },
answersasc: function (elem) { return parseInt($(elem).find('input[name="answers"]').val(), 10); },
percentansweredasc: function (elem) { return parseFloat($(elem).find('input[name="percent-answered"]').val()); },
usersasc: function (elem) { return parseInt($(elem).find('input[name="users"]').val(), 10); },
trafficasc: function (elem) { return parseFloat($(elem).find('input[name="visits-per-day"]').val()); },
questionsperdayasc: function (elem) { return parseFloat($(elem).find('input[name="questions-per-day"]').val()); },
And then in the list view add more options to the site-sort dropdown:
<select class="site-sort">
<option value="traffic" selected="selected">Traffic</option>
<option value="trafficasc">Ghost towns</option>
<option value="oldest">Oldest</option>
<option value="newest">Newest</option>
<option value="questions">Questions</option>
<option value="questionsasc">Hardly any Questions</option>
<option value="answers">Answers</option>
<option value="answersasc">Lacking Answers</option>
<option value="percentanswered">Percent Answered</option>
<option value="percentansweredasc">Lowest Percent Answered</option>
<option value="users">Users</option>
<option value="usersasc">From no Users to all Users</option>
<option value="questionsperday">Questions Per Day</option>
<option value="questionsperdayasc">Reversed Questions Per Day</option>
<option value="name">Name</option>
(Maybe needs better wording for the sort options)
I've done the work that is needed. If this is really useful then a dev needs to make those changes the code base, test, merge, get it reviewed and deployed. Allow for at least 6 to 8 weeks before this happens, if at all.
I'm not convinced the alternate sort orders are that useful or beneficial for regular visitors of that page.
Last time I heard news about those pages I was told they were going away / get redesigned anyway. Maybe sorting /filtering gets some new love as well then.