WhatWhen a user is barred from asking questions, they are simply told to edit their previous questions to bring them up to an acceptable standard. Sometimes the questions require a lot of attention as they have a highvery low negative score, and sometimes it's more a share of greynuanced.
The nature of whatever scoring algorithm is used is quite rightly a closely guarded secret, and no details should be leaked.
But is there any way of finding out which of a banned user's questions are NOT contributing towards a question ban. Such a feature would:-
- Allow a banned user to focus their efforts on the most egregious issues and not waste time editing questions that are currently considered acceptable.
- Save moderators' time and effort answering questions from banned users trying to work out what to do next and which questions are an issue/problem.
- If the design of the scoring algorithm is changed people will find out about the new quality standards when they are trying to resolve issues instead of having to ask questions about 'What's changed'.