This is a test for a crude markdown "parser" (which is really more of an identifier than anything else
, but I have a lot of edge-cases to test). Though using a unit test would make this easier, wouldn't it?
This is plain text. This is plain text after a newline.
~ mixed block weirdness?
This is plain text after a blank line. This is not a code block
This is a code block
And here's some text
and another block
Followed by text
And here's even more text
... and (you guessed it)
another block
std::cout << "Followed by backticks" << std::endl;
print("Immediately followed by another block")
With an inline triple start
, followed by double
and single
, and some random bold, because why not?
also a link (inline), and another link that's named.
... but pretends to be one on a TV show.:tm: