I'd like to see some example questions to get a clearer mental picture. I get the feeling different people are envisaging different things. When will that be possible? Do I need to wait until July 26th (one month and one week from now)?
What worries me: it seems the scope of PromptDesign.SE includes literally everything (helicopter design, USSR politics, the principles of dentistry, C++, Kim Kardashian, cheese making, reverse engineering apps, the Renaissance, Seinfeld, hieroglyphics), which has two drawbacks:
- Who?: Who are the experts? Who can moderate all this? Who can judge if an answer is correct?
- The scope of PromptDesign.SE overlaps with every extantexisting Stack Exchange site.
For example, I use these newfangled AIs for learning Chinese (they're great for language learning). I could ask my Chinese-language-related prompt-design question at PromptDesign.SE or I could ask it at Chinese.SE. Are the users of PromptDesign.SE going to understand the needs of someone learning Chinese?