Tendermint is Byzantine Fault Tolerance library, like its alternative CometBFT.
BFT is a problem of cryptography. But https://crypto.stackexchange.comCryptography Stack Exchange probably just wants theoretical questionquestions.
https://ethereum.stackexchange.comEthereum Stack Exchange could be the right place.
It has a tendermint
[tendermint] tag.
In fact several EVM-compliant crypto currenciescryptocurrencies use tendermint for BFT.
Fixing the error "net.Dial()
returns connection refused
. That" would be a golang
Go question, thatwhich would be OK for https://stackoverflow.com/Stack Overflow,
if you leave awayout the tendermint
intendermint part of the question.
As tofor the problem: Probably the peer services are not yet running.