Normal people make correct inferences about the actions of others, but when I was suspended, I saw the 1 point, and was very confused. I hadn't yet read the mod message, I thought maybe my points were lost into what we used to call the bit bucket.
I had to search around and finally ask someone in another stack what happened.
Now, the same problem is different. I'm (wrongly) suspended so frequently that twice, I answered someone's question with a complex answer, and when I clicked Post, it spit in my face.
Just put the word "suspended" in tiny letters underneath their icon.
It could even be a link to further information about suspension. You should probably do that under every occurrence of the avatar of a suspended user, so others will know their shame.
The way things are going, I'll probably be (wrongly) given the bum's rush across the entire network in days. But still, I'm trying to improve stuff and help other people.