LetsLet's see...
- Each sub discipline of science is a small world. It really is a reputation economy where "reputation" takes the dictionary meaning. Stack Overflow has tens of thousands of "active" users (page 100 of the users shows nearly 3000 rep at this point and page 1000 shows around 140 rep).
Each sub discipline of science is a small world. It really is a reputation economy where "reputation" takes the dictionary meaning. Stack Overflow has tens of thousands of "active" users (page 100 of the users shows nearly 3000 rep at this point and page 1000 shows around 140 rep).
- Science works mostly on new problems. Confirmation is an important part of the process, but you'll never achieve fame that way. On the other hand SOFUE mostly works on old problems and what is valued is timing, clarity, completeness, and the degree to which the question answers the problem.
Science works mostly on new problems. Confirmation is an important part of the process, but you'll never achieve fame that way. On the other hand SOFUE mostly works on old problems and what is valued is timing, clarity, completeness, and the degree to which the question answers the problem.
- The reputation system on SOFUE is not only (or perhaps even primarily) about how well people think of you: it is about measuring contribution for the purposes of empowering you in the maintenance of the sites. Peer review does not generate a quantitative or centralized understanding of "reputation"; the result is a distributed and vague value which requires endless committee meeting and water cool conversations to translate into control.
The reputation system on SOFUE is not only (or perhaps even primarily) about how well people think of you: it is about measuring contribution for the purposes of empowering you in the maintenance of the sites. Peer review does not generate a quantitative or centralized understanding of "reputation"; the result is a distributed and vague value which requires endless committee meeting and water cool conversations to translate into control.
and...and there a probably other differences.