I know this has been asked beforehas been asked before, but obviously there's still something that keeps this from being implemented/fixed.
I am a pretty active editor on Stack Overflow. In fact, I do edit a lot more questions than I answer. I have the Strunk-and-White badge, and if that one would stack I would have it several times by now. I am pretty high-rep — in short: I know what I'm doing.
When a question has been edited by someone whose edit needs approval, I cannot "instant-approve" his edit. Why on earth should another user be needed to approve my decision?
I know, if I go to "improve", I can overwrite the suggested edit. But that's not what I want. Especially if the edit is good, why should I take credit for it?
If I click "approve" instead, the system doesn't even let me "improve" the edit anymore. Seriously, this makes no sense at all.