I've just experienced my first revenge downvoting spree, undoubtedly in response topresumably for my comment on this question. I posted a comment which a user took offense to; a little later I have 1 new downvote on each of my questions. Not really surprising; the user has a history of abuse on SO.
I'm not worriedhere to cry about the downvotes themselves. I knowIt's a whole 22 magic Internet points, and the abuse-detection systembots will probably detect this and remove the downvotes, so I'm not very concerned about my repno doubt undo them anyway. What I'm wondering isBut it occurs to me I don't know whether stuff like this should be flagged for a moderator, especially given the user's pattern of bad behavior on SO, it's appropriate to report this in order to draw further attention to his actionsperson's history.
- Do moderators alwaystypically look into abusive-voting patterns voting when it's automatically detected on SO?
- If I see suspicious activity that will probably be caught automaticallydetected by Stack Overflow, should I report it anyway?
- I know suspicion of sock-puppet self-upvoting leads to account merges, bans, and other consequencesetc. Does revenge downvoting have similar repercussions when detected automaticallyconsequences?
- Finally, givenGiven that this guy has already been recognized as a problem by other users, should I spendmake more/less/the same amount of or less effort in drawingto draw attention to him? It feels a little pointless to pile on, but on the other hand, the fact that he's already been called out seems to make this even worse.