If the problem is finding the latest question you asked, then you can simply look at your user profile pageuser profile page that shows you the questions you asked and how many answers they have. Using the browser's history to look at the questions you asked is not the best method anyway, if you visit more sites, ask more than one question, and you answer questions too. How can the browser's history tell you if the link is to a question you asked, a question you answered, or a question you looked to?
If the problem is knowing when there is a new answer for your questions, then you should get notified about new answers from the Super-Collider drop-down menu, which should show the number of recent comments, or new answers to your answers (among other things).
If the Super-Collider drop-down menu doesn't work for you for any reason, then there is still your user profile that list the questions that has been recently modified, where recently modified means also the questions with new answers; just select the "recent" tab, and you will see the questions ordered by the recent modifies.
Proposing not to alter the title of question page to be able to find the recent asked questions is, IMO, proposing a solution for a non existing problem.
Users are free to use the browser's history to find the asked questions, but this is not the best way to do it, especially considering the points I reported before; it's not the best solution even if the title of the question page would not be changed while the question is being edited.
Users could have more than one browser, and use a specific one to ask questions, but I doubt that the average user asks a single question in a single site, and then waits until he gets an acceptable answer before to ask the next one. In such case, the reasoning behind asking this feature report is valid for a restricted number of users.