From time to time in Space SE a question or answer about a calculation will need to share a significant amount of tabular data, say 100 or 1000 lines. It needs to be forever available to future readers, and the simplest (and perhaps only) way to permanently attach the data to the post is to use the code block feature which limits its display size so it doesn't dominate the post.
While there's an effort to move some smaller tables to the new markdown tables (New Feature: Table Support) it would be helpful to find those posts that contain large code blocks and make a note of them so that they don't inadvertently get converted to markdown tables that are several meters tall.
I went to the Stack Exchange Data Explorer and did a quick search for "large code blocks" to no avail.
Question: How can we find posts with particularly large code blocks in a non-code-based site?
I suppose if we could enter a number in little a box for the minimum length that would be handy; if it has to be fixed, perhaps 50 lines of continuous code block would be enough for us. For actual code most of the time it's usually just short snippets.