If a question or answer is locked, one cannot comment on it either. One can flag it to share one's thoughts with a moderator, but one cannot address the specific moderator who locked it, or the user who asked for it. Also, locked posts seem to encourage one to post on Meta when feeling the need to discuss the locking, or anything else about the locked post:
This post has been locked while disputes about its content are being resolved. For more info visit meta.
But when posting on Meta, one cannot @notify
the author/editors/commenters/locker/viewers about doing so, lacking commenting on locked posts. (Note that one can notify a moderator who closed a question.)
So: wouldn't it be better if locked posts could still be commented on?
(Background: I am curious why a specific answer in The Many Memes of Meta was locked, but that example is not the subject of this question. Would some posts yield a comment-war if comments would be allowed "while disputes about its content are being resolved"? And: I am not really feature-requesting this, but to allow for [status-declined]
I'm still posting as one for future reference.)