Is there a way to find out the actual number for the highest ever consecutive days visited?

I don't want to know who the user is that holds the record (I would hope that information would be kept private anyway), just what the record currently is.

If this is something that would require a developer to dig through log files then I don't want to waste your time, but if it would be a trivial task for a moderator to find out then I would be very grateful if you could fulfill my curiosity!

  • 6
    Although, I wouldn't be surprised if it's John Skeet with DaysSinceStackOverflowInception - 1.
    – chown
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 3:17
  • and how this is going to useful ?
    – Lucifer
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 3:22
  • 26
    Not really useful, but I agree chown, it would be cool to see. I'd also like to see the "Go Outside" badge awarded for 1000 consecutive days. Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 3:24
  • @chown: I believe Jon Skeet made a question here on meta when he reached 1000 consecutive days. However, the consecutive day information is only tracked from the day those badges were created, not from the day Stack Overflow was started. So the "record" may not be accurate.
    – animuson StaffMod
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 3:30
  • 2
    @animuson I think this is the question you're talking about: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/122976/…. Thats pretty crazy that someone has 1000+!
    – chown
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 3:48
  • @Lucifer Not useful at all, it's just discussion. I was curious so I figured I would ask.
    – chown
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 3:48
  • 1
    @NSPostWhenIdle +1 for the thought (Go Outside) ;) Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 4:03
  • I imagine it's not hard to have 1000+ days if SE is your job.
    – Conner
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 4:42
  • 6
    @Conner We do sometimes take vacations. Some of them are even offline. :)
    – Adam Lear StaffMod
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 5:14
  • But what if someone is wrong!
    – trashgod
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 5:22
  • Related: Anyone with a "visited: 1000 days, 1000 consecutive" in his/her profile?. Specifically, as of half a year ago, there were only five users who could claim that. Jon Skeet wasn't one of them; if I remember correctly, he missed a day due to having his computer stolen.
    – Pops
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 16:42
  • 1
    Sigh! Now I feel bad again for missing one day during christmas. 763 days to go...
    – Bo Persson
    Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 17:26

2 Answers 2


SEDE doesn't give the consecutive days on a user, so no luck there.

We can do an educated guess though: the user with the highest number of consecutive days is probably a very active user, so what if we just check how many consecutive days a post was created?

This is how far I got using SEDE:

select OwnerUserId [User Link]
,      CreationDate
,      days_between_posts
,      RW=ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY GRP  ORDER BY OwnerUserId, CreationDate)
from   ( select OwnerUserId
         ,      CreationDate
         ,      datediff(d, lag(CreationDate) over (order by OwnerUserId, CreationDate), CreationDate) days_between_posts
         ,      DATEDIFF(d, '1900-01-01' , CreationDate)- ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by OwnerUserId ORDER BY CreationDate ) AS GRP
         from   ( select OwnerUserId
                  ,      cast(CreationDate as date) CreationDate
                  from   Posts p
                  where  OwnerUserId > 1
                  by    OwnerUserId
                  ,     cast(CreationDate as date)
                ) p
         by     OwnerUserId
         ,      CreationDate
       ) cd
where  1=1
by     OwnerUserId
,      CreationDate

I had problems grouping the data together on the user, not sure why the results got invalid... Still working on it. Since we only get 50.000 rows now, we can't say who won...

On Stack Overflow, VonC seems to do a good job, but no status update since 2015.

  • 3
    "no status update since 2005?" But I last edited meta.stackexchange.com/q/122976/6309 in 2015 ;) And today, I am at 2862 consecutive days.
    – VonC
    Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 13:40
  • 1
    Lol, can you image in '05 there wasn't SO yet? @VonC Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 13:42
  • Note: those are consecutive visit days, but that does not mean I have posted on every day though...
    – VonC
    Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 13:50
  • Agreed. The query is just the best guess answer based on the number of answers. Nothing in SEDE that could help here with the real consecutive day count. Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 13:51
  • I just tried stackoverflow.com/a/20405902/6309 on online-sql-editor.com/stack-exchange/com/stable/Sql... but WITH is not recognized.
    – VonC
    Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 14:06
  • No OSR has its own syntax. It is actually a SQL engine in front of the SE API (and many more XML/REST/JSON APIs). It doesn't support CTEs. @VonC Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 14:08
  • OK, that looked too good to be true ;)
    – VonC
    Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 14:08
  • Yes. Supporting that would require to read the entire SE API and store that in SQL Server... Sounds like SEDE to me. OSR is much more fit for real-time queries with small data sets (due to throttling on the side of SE) Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 14:09

Current record on Stackoverflow in Russian is 1766 days and it keeps going.

It's likely that following 36 results are top 36 for our site. These are results with 512 or more days for users in top 1044 by reputation for all time. Does NOT include days on Hashcode.

│    i │  max │  cur │  pos │    rep │   id   │ name
│    1 │ 1766 │ 1766 │   11 │  59936 │ 178576 │ aleksandr barakin
│    2 │ 1233 │    9 │   43 │  23139 │ 176217 │ αλεχολυτ
│    3 │ 1184 │  275 │      │        │        │ 
│    4 │ 1158 │ 1158 │  119 │  10327 │ 178213 │ andreymal
│    5 │ 1156 │ 1156 │   73 │  15623 │ 217579 │ 0xdb
│    6 │ 1151 │ 1151 │      │        │        │ 
│    7 │ 1123 │ 1123 │      │        │        │ 
│    8 │ 1050 │  585 │    9 │  63036 │  17609 │ ЮрийСПб
│    9 │ 1038 │   78 │      │        │        │ 
│   10 │ 1012 │    0 │      │        │        │ 
│   11 │  977 │  977 │      │        │        │ 
│   12 │  940 │  940 │      │        │        │ 
│   13 │  898 │    2 │      │        │        │ 
│   14 │  875 │  171 │      │        │        │ 
│   15 │  874 │    1 │      │        │        │ 
│   16 │  864 │  864 │   50 │  21518 │ 179763 │ tym32167
│   17 │  841 │   55 │    4 │  91359 │ 178988 │ Qwertiy
│   18 │  800 │    0 │      │        │        │ 
│   19 │  782 │  330 │      │        │        │ 
│   20 │  766 │  766 │  107 │  11053 │ 282277 │ Эникейщик
│   21 │  750 │   25 │      │        │        │ 
│   22 │  737 │    0 │      │        │        │ 
│   23 │  711 │    0 │      │        │        │ 
│   24 │  695 │    3 │      │        │        │ 
│   25 │  678 │  678 │      │        │        │ 
│   26 │  663 │    0 │      │        │        │ 
│   27 │  651 │    1 │      │        │        │ 
│   28 │  649 │   27 │      │        │        │ 
│   29 │  615 │    5 │      │        │        │ 
│   30 │  610 │  610 │      │        │        │ 
│   31 │  583 │  122 │      │        │        │ 
│   32 │  570 │  570 │      │        │        │ 
│   33 │  563 │   49 │      │        │        │ 
│   34 │  541 │   63 │      │        │        │ 
│   35 │  529 │   40 │      │        │        │ 
│   36 │  518 │  518 │      │        │        │ 

More information here.

PS: Data is actual on 3-Mar-2020.

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