Original problem
I' ve opened http://data.stackexchange.com first time (from iPad 2 safary ), then clicked "log in", then clicked "log in with google" icon, Then I've confirmed that I am allow google to share my details with stackoverflow site( I don't remember exact wording). And suddenly I was logged in With the name "jon.doe8598"
When I am opening https://data.stackexchange.com/users/8597/jon-doe8598 page, I see my photo and ability to edit/change profile. Initially I was worried that it' s a security issue and I've logged in as another user, but it seems, that user account was populate with the random default name instead of my real name. I also could not see associated accounts from other stackexchange sites.
I understand, tha I can change name the name, but I will not do it now, which could help investigation of the issue
It looked like a bug.
The community pointed me to other questions that were raised about the same issue:
Possible Duplicate:
Why am I jon.doe when logging into Data Explorer?
Wrong user when logging into Data Explorer
Change request
according to answer https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/95531/163139, by design A new account is assigned a unique predefined 'jon.doe' name).
The existing default is not obvious and misleading. Can default name be changed to some more obvious like "Unknown user" or "specify name"?
Having non-English background, only after receiving this unexpected name, I found in Wikipedia the special use of Jon.doe name.
Also it will be good, if for a new user of Data Explorer an explanation will be shown as a message, something like what was answered at https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/95531/163139
Data Explorer's login mechanism is not linked to the Stack Exchange Network. you get assigned a separate user account, which cannot be associated like a user account on the Network can be.
If you want your displayed information on Data Explorer to match your other profiles, you have to manually copy in the info.