Stemming from this question the text for "Self-Learner" badge is pretty easy to get confused by.

Current Text

Answered your own question with score of 3 or more


The person in the above question was confused as they thought they needed to answer their own question, and that the question had to have a score of 3 or more. What it actually means is that they have to answer their own question, and the answer needs to have a score of three or more. The way it is phrased is ambiguous, so why not make it clear?


Edit the text as follows:

Provide an answer with a score of 3 or more to your own question

No more confusion.

  • 2
    So why isn't this implemented yet?
    – YakovL
    Commented Apr 19, 2017 at 13:43

1 Answer 1


I'd agree but I would use:

Answer your own question achieving a score of 3 or more.

It sounds more in keeping with the rest of the descriptions and the word achieving is more positive (probably not the right word but it kinda works).

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