Can we have one page with all questions I asked, all answers I wrote, and filters for open, closed, answered etc?! It's too much to track all sites!
3You mean across the whole network? We already have such a thing:– Shadow WizardCommented Jan 27, 2015 at 16:36
2That does not show all questions and answers though, only those with score 5 or higher it seems.– HugoRuneCommented Jan 27, 2015 at 17:28
2@HugoRune If you look at the "top" tab then yes. You can go to activity and then sort to posts to view every single question and answer you've created.– animuson StaffModCommented Jan 27, 2015 at 17:48
3That view seems to show only the last 100 questions and answers. It is impossible to go back further than 5 pages á 20 entries, or to sort the list by some criteria other than "most recent".– HugoRuneCommented Jan 27, 2015 at 17:57
1 Answer
You probably have to wait for another 6-8 weeks before this feature request gets implemented.
If you can live with the fact that The StackExchange Data Explorer is only refreshed once a week you can use this query to get all your posts across the network. The query requires an accountid and that one can be found by visiting your network account on and then take the id from the url. Yours is 9348, mine is 281857.
---- accountid: Account on! "In the url on"
-- create url from dbname
IF OBJECT_ID ( '#siteurl', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL
create procedure #siteurl
@dbname nvarchar(250),
@res nvarchar(250) OUT
declare @pos integer
declare @rec nvarchar(250)
set @res = @dbname
set @pos = CHARINDEX('.', @dbname)
if (@pos > 0 )
set @rec = substring(@dbname, @pos+1, len(@dbname))
exec #siteurl @rec, @rec output
set @res = @rec
+ '.'
+ substring(@dbname, 0, @pos)
declare @accountid int = ##accountid:int## -- 93484
-- all databases
declare db_c cursor for select [name]
from sys.databases
where database_id > 5 -- skip master, temp, model, msdb, Data.SE
declare @db_c_name sysname -- holds name of db after fetch
declare @sql nvarchar(max) -- holds build up sql string
-- result table
create table #all_posts ( site nvarchar(250)
, id int
, title nvarchar(200)
, posttypeid tinyint
, closeddate datetime);
open db_c
fetch next from db_c into @db_c_name
while(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
set @sql = N'use '+ QUOTENAME(@db_c_name) +';
declare @url nvarchar(250)
exec #siteurl ''' + @db_c_name + ''', @url output
insert into #all_posts
select @url
, case
when posttypeid =1 then p.title
when posttypeid =2 then (select title
from posts q
where = p.parentid)
, p.posttypeid
, p.closeddate
from posts p
inner join users u on = p.owneruserid
where u.accountid = '+ cast(@accountid as nvarchar) + ';'
exec (@sql)
fetch next from db_c into @db_c_name
close db_c;
deallocate db_c;
select replace(site,'.StackExchange','') as [site]
, 'http://'
+ site
+ '.com/'
+ Case
when posttypeid = 1 then 'Q'
when posttypeid = 2 then 'A'
+ '/'
+ cast(id as nvarchar)
+ '|'
+ title
, Case
when posttypeid = 1 then 'Q'
when posttypeid = 2 then 'A'
end as PostType
, closeddate
from #all_posts
drop table #all_posts
How does this work
I start with creating a procedure (functions are not allowed) to translate a databasename to a site url. The db's are named StackExchange.Photography.meta and the url for that site is
A temporary table is going to hold all our data. Then I open a cursor to iterate over all databases (except the system db's). In that loop I create a sql statement to insert your posts in the temp table.
After the loop is done the final select statement produces the result where I buildup the final url to the site and post as well.
1I'm amazed that we can write something like this ourselves. Thanks! And do you mean that a function like this is going to be implemented in two months or so? I've searched for this functionality, but didn't get any useful results.– SPRBRNCommented Jan 28, 2015 at 8:39
1Yes, @ᔕᖺᘎᕊ I'm afraid I have but thanks to you I find and fix them now ;)– rene ModCommented Jul 29, 2015 at 13:51