When a post is unclear, people comment on the post about clarifying it, as well as how to reach a solution. Occasionally, when the OP edits his post, the entire meaning of the post changes (usually, since his old post was wrong). Also, sometimes, others edit it for him and when he comes back, notices that his post has been edited wrongly, and edits it again.
Would it be a good idea to display in the comment list, when a post is edited?
For example, the comments on an answer could show:
User 1: Please clarify your answer because of ------ User 2: Your answer is wrong because ------ Edit by User 2: 'Clarification' User 3: Are you sure this is what the OP meant? I thought he meant ------ User 1: @User 2 No, you are wrong as well. Maybe User 3 is right. Wait for the OP to edit it himself. Edit reverted by User 1 Edit by OP: 'Content modified and formulas added' OP: @User 2 I have edited the answer myself. Edit by User 4: 'MathJAX added' User 4: I have typed your formulas in MathJAX for extra clarity.
Instead of just showing:
User 1: Please clarify your answer because of ------ User 2: Your answer is wrong because ------ User 3: Are you sure this is what the OP meant? I thought he meant ------ User 1: @User 2 No, you are wrong as well. Maybe User 3 is right. Wait for the OP to edit it himself. OP: @User 2 I have edited the answer myself. User 4: I have typed your formulas in MathJAX for extra clarity.
which is confusing for a future reader.