I have asked questions when tired, worn out, frustrated and threatening my eye lids with removal if they don't stay open long enough for me to ask for help. I then go to bed hoping with everything in me that the SO fairy will have magically solved my problem by the time I wake up.
It happens. However, I do make it a point to thank the person who helped me, as well as up vote and accept their answer.
Then again, I make every attempt to ensure that my question contains all the information needed to answer it responsibly in my absence.
Maybe some kind of tag specific checklist for asking questions could be posted for users under 100 rep, which the community around that tag defines. That might be too much of a PIA to be implemented, but it may help. If we have all of the information, many times, we don't need to ask additional questions. Sometimes yes you do, i.e. "have you tried this, did it work?"
It really does vary from tag to tag, or combination of tags, hence the PIA factor.
PIA - Pain in the @$$