A few years ago I was a total programming noob and signed up to StackOverflow in order to get help (more like leeching) with programming issues I was having. My account was quickly blocked from asking questions and I learnt my lesson.
Fast forward today and I have a new account I had made early 2017. The account has no down-voted questions (it has up-voted ones), it has 317 rep and I have answered a few questions that have been accepted as solving people's issues etc. My account is definitely not on the grounds for a question ban.
Unfortunately, the other day I accidentally clicked 'Log in with Google' which was still associated with my old account, it somehow merged my old Profile with my current one, with that came the old picture and more importantly the old questions, plus the question ban..
The old questions are poor quality and are the reason for this ban? But how can I disassociate them with my new and healthy account? The questions are from 2015 for example, I made this account in 2017.
I'm quite worried as apparently nobody can fix this for you but this seems more of a login/merge mistake than any fault of mine.
Ideally I'd like that old Google account deleted too.