Having looked at these questions about how to more easily search and locate own answers and questions:
Maybe the way forward here is not to use the tagging system but to introduce a system of personal labelling such as that used by Google Mail.
For example, I have a group of answers related to IIS and programmatically setting or gathering data from the metabase. The spread of tags on the questions asked is quite wide because different users tagged them in slightly (but correctly) different ways. This means that there is often no overlapping tag that is common across them all.
Using a system of personal labels means that you can organise your answers without being beholden the repository of tags which are short, terse and you kinda have to know that an answer you gave did fall under a certain tag (or tags). For example, I'd probably label the answers I'd given above as "IIS Metabase".
Tags on questions are fine for finding questions but less handy for when you want to group your own answers together.
Whilst it's an extra set of metadata, it's a private set of metadata that has more meaning with regard to ordering and categorising your own view of your answer data.