I've made an edit on a post and I now realize that it is in error:
I've added a suggested edit (the water tag) but I now realize it's probably not appropriate. I recommend rejecting it (I think there's no way I can delete it myself).
It would save time and trouble for others if I could retract/delete the edit but I don't see how to do that from the interface, and in the FAQ: How do suggested edits work? I don't see anything about how to delete one's own pending edit.
Is there anything I can do to remove my own pending edit? (I have rep = 1500 on that site).
I tried to re-edit and remove the water
tag but I get the following (and probably expected) behavior. I click the tag (was on the left) and it disappears, but when I save the UI says "nothing has changed", probably because the tag isn't really there yet.