As a moderator on a relatively small beta site, I often notice spam, chatty, rude or entirely unrelated comments on old posts. It'd be nice if I had an easy way to monitor them. From the Stack Exchange API I can get hold of the ids of the latest 30 comments on my site.
I'm not sure how to reconstruct the URL for a comment from the id alone. Any idea?
Can I get the latest (say) 100 comments from the API, instead of just 30?
Is there any existing userscript or feed which makes accessing the latest comments easier (possibly with direct links to the comments and preview of the texts in comment bodies)?
I know that the API returns a JSON file with details of the latest 30 comments, but that's not quite readable. Moreover, it doesn't provide direct links to the comments. For instance, a random entry in the JSON file looks like:
"owner": {
"reputation": 101,
"user_id": 2374,
"user_type": "registered",
"profile_image": "",
"display_name": "Licheng Wang",
"link": ""
"edited": false,
"score": 0,
"creation_date": 1557073730,
"post_id": 6043,
"comment_id": 9150