
It is already 11:13 (UTC) and the weekly SO snapshot is not yet on the SEDE. Last week it could have been synced until 05:09 (UTC)1.

Other sites look fine.

Are your scripts okay?

1This is coming from a SELECT MAX(CreationDate) FROM Posts;.

  • 1
    Side info: the SO db is about twice so big than all the other summed.
    – peterh
    Commented Dec 20, 2020 at 11:14

1 Answer 1


You're impatient.

This is the current status:

query result showing restoring StackOverflow_temp started at 2020-12-20 6:30:44

The Stack Overflow database restore started at 6:30:44. It takes roughly 6 hours for this to finish. So it is either done in the next 6 to 8 hours, or it is stuck.

Allow for another hour or so and then I'll close vote this as no longer reproduceable.

Note that your conclusion that it could have been synced until 05:09 (UTC) based on the Max(creation_date) is not accurate. That date is the last post that made it into production before the backup was started. After that moment the first evidence of timing is from the creation_date of the database in SEDE. That is after the backup is finished and then it takes hours to populate the database.

During a restore the create_date of the database is correct but once the restore is complete the create_date gets updated due to a rename. See my question on Dba.se: Which system catalog view has the create_date of a database which name was modified?


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