
Politics Stack Exchange is currently having an election, and the site sidebar currently looks like this:

Politics Stack Exchange Sidebar

As you can see, the election is mentioned under the section with heading Upcoming Events, and also under the section labeled Featured on Meta (note: the question was automatically posted and featured).

Is there a reason for mentioning the election twice in the sidebar?


1 Answer 1


The first link points to the election event itself.

The second link, which is located in the section labeled Featured on Meta, is a meta post about the election with a description of the election phases and a link to the election event.

The third link points to the meta post where candidates answer questions posed by the community. It happens to have become a Hot Network Question (based on the HNQ formula with tweaks) and thus is displayed in the Hot Meta Posts section.

While the pages all concern the election, they are distinct and not technically connected.

  • 1
    I should have made this more clear, but I was referring to the featured meta post, not the hot meta post. Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 17:50
  • 1
    Ah - so many links! I have updated this answer to address the link under the Featured on Meta section
    – Sam Onela
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 17:54

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