I suggest to add information about backticks to the comment help.
They can be used to mark code in comments too (in case some one does not know ;o)).
Uh, I should go to bed.... it's already there, never mind guys!
It's already there:
Comments use mini-Markdown formatting: [link](http://example.com) _italic_ *bold* `code`.
g_Setup.RibbonMinimized :=ribMain.Minimized; g_Setup.Rpt_NewPageAfterEachSessionChildItem :=actRpt_NewPageAfterEachSessionChildItem.Checked;
That much code you're probably better off putting in an edit, though.
Jun 1, 2011 at 15:27
g_Setup.RibbonMinimized :=ribMain.Minimized; g_Setup.Rpt_NewPageAfterEachSessionChildItem :=actRpt_NewPageAfterEachSessionChildItem.Checked;