I have shared a link to a question on SO/SE to Facebook.
- How do I verify that this has generated traffic to the question?
- Is there any way to verify or track the link to see if any one has visited it through my sharing it?
I think stackoverflow does not provide a user interface to follow these statistics. If there is one, please comment on this question so that I know as well. I will try to provide a workaround-like solution.
You can get the actual referral link from SO/SE using the link
button placed under any question (or answer). Then you can use some url shortener service like Google's goo.gl or bit.ly to obtain the actual link to share on your website, blog or social network. This way you can analyze your statistics from the url shortener service and you will still get rewarded by boosting the SO/SE link.
For example this is the link I obtained from your question: How to know what kind of traffic your shared link to SO/SE question has generated?
I shortened it using google's chrome extension: http://goo.gl/56yby
Now I can share the second URL instead of first and I will be able to analyze it from my page on goo.gl.
your specific link
Dec 20, 2011 at 15:18
shortened link
, you will first visit the URL Shortener Service website then you'll be redirected to the original link which is the referral link, as if you clicked the referral link in the first place. Why shouldn't it work?
Dec 20, 2011 at 15:28
Given that moderators don't get this information it's unlikely that it's going to be made generally available.
element, click "copy address" or whatever the relevant option is in your browser.