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10 votes
1 answer

How are spammers rate limited?

Question: Are there some additional limits for users who had some of their posts marked as spam (or rude/offensive)? Typically, an account posting spam is a new user, with reputation 1. (Meaning that ...
Martin's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

"very low quality" flag got helpful, but (non) answer still there

For starters, this is the answer I am talking about. The question is ancient (2009) and is already answered. How to declare an array in Java? And the answer (a code only answer) public class{ ...
Krishnabhadra's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Flagged answer as spam; it was deleted; flag was declined

There was an answer posted on this question that was a link to a guy's personal blog, not to a specific post or anything. The only other thing he really said in the answer is that you might find ...
Austin Henley's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Flagging hidden spam?

I'm wondering whats the policy on "hidden" spam. Today I reviewed one of the "late answers". E.g.. An OP posts a question. Someone answers the questions and embeds in his code: http://cool-...
Udo Held's user avatar
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149 votes
14 answers

Limits for self-promotion in answers

It's been covered before that posting links to your own website is ok, but should there be a line drawn? There were several spam flags today for Ira Baxter's recent posts, presumably because they all ...
6 votes
3 answers

What are appropriate criteria for flagging a post as spam? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How does the spam flag work? The title says it all, really; there's a "spam" criterion for flagging both questions and answers. What is it that makes something "spam"? Is it ...
Paul Sonier's user avatar
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