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Was change in the way tweets are oneboxed intentional? Is the old way or the new way better?

Twitter messages are among the types of content that can get oneboxed when posted in chat. I have noticed that the way twitter posts are oneboxed changed not too long ago. You can see the difference ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
5 votes
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What are the differences between oneboxed and regular messages when searching?

There are several types of chat messages which can be oneboxed. I have noticed that sometimes there are differences between searching for messages which are oneboxed an which are not. I did not try ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
4 votes
1 answer

What determines whether a feed item becomes a post onebox in chat?

I am testing a feed that consists of comments posted by selected users. When the feed is used in a chatroom, some items get posted as intended, with the author and text of the comment: Others ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How does OneBox decide which image to pull out of Wikipedia article? [duplicate]

I posted a oneboxed Wikipedia link in chat, and the image picked was seemingly a random image from the article. It wasn't the first image in source HTML it wasn't the first image in rendered HTML it ...
DVK's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How to post a link into Stack Exchange chat so that its details get shown?

When other people post a link to their question in Stack Exchange chat, they get a rich link with wonderful decorations, tags, description, excerpt, and large fonts: When I try to do the same, I just ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
16 votes
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Why do I have godlike gist powers?

I thought chat oneboxed gists. And in fact, it does. I oneboxed gist #5363882 some minutes ago. Someone was surprised at that, and gave it a try—his link didn't get oneboxed. And then the Lounge<C++...
R. Martinho Fernandes's user avatar
10 votes
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The "?cb=1" added to questions accessed via CB prevents one-boxing in chat

I noticed something on the SE sites and I don't know if others did (no MSO questions on it, though) so I'm taking it to the public. If you access a Meta question, the address bar will show a ...
Alenanno's user avatar
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Chat room image instead of link

How can you post an image in the chat rooms instead of providing its link? There should be a "How to Format" within the chat rooms as well.
Christopher Markieta's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How does oneboxing work?

I'm wondering how oneboxing on chat works. Do you fetch the data from an API of a site for which oneboxing is implemented or do you scrape the content of that page and extract the desired data?
Octavian Helm's user avatar
62 votes
1 answer

Which links and sites are handled specially (oneboxed) in chat? How do these oneboxes work?

There is a special linking to some sites in chat, also known as "onebox". What is the full list of supported and integrated sites? Are oneboxes updated if the resource behind them is ...