I've seen a stream of bad suggested edits recently: they don't improve anything but screw up the formatting. (Examples: 1, 2, 3. Note: if you approved one of these, do feel called out. If you're the editor, stop making messes all over.) This isn't a very common occurrence, but the workflow for handling them is pretty bad.
First, there's a social problem: I see many of these edits have been approved. So I'm calling to reviewers:
Don't mindlessly approve stuff just because the change summary is “improve formatting”. Make sure that the edit does, in fact, improve the formatting.
Second, there's a technical problem: most of these suggested edits were performed on posts that required improvement. But the suggested edit caused more harm than good (there's one particular user at the moment who likes to take things that should be code blocks because line breaks are significant, and perform word wrap, which makes the paragraph irrecoverable). So to fix these edits, I've ended up browsing the source of the original version and copying and pasting that into the Improve
There was a call earlier for a “Reject and improve” button, which was partially implemented: now a reviewer can mark the suggested edit as “not helpful”. But the implementation is flawed: when improving, we're still going from the post-suggested-edit state of the post.
Please provide a simple way to edit a post with a suggested edit, starting from the pre-edit state of the post.