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Alternatively, see reputation tables for Stack Overflow, Server Fault, Super User, a launched SE 2.0 site, a public beta site. And Meta Stack Exchange.

##Main sites

Action                                          Priv β Public β  Designed     SO
─────────────────────────────────────────────── ────── ──────── ───────── ──────
Skip lecture on how to ask                        None     None    None       10
Answer questions on the site's meta                  5        5       5†       5
Add images, 2+ link, answer protected questions      1       10?     10       10
Create community-wiki answers                       10       10      10       10
Vote up                                              1       15      15       15
Flag offensive                                      15       15      15       15
Chat                                               20 global reputation*      20
Leave comments on any questions or answer            1       50      50       50
Make bounties                                       75       75      75       75
Create a chat room                                100 global reputation*     100
Edit community wiki posts                            1      100     100      100
Vote down (costs 1 rep for answers)                  1      125     125†     125
Create new tags                                      1      150     300†     1500
Vote in moderator elections                        No elections     150      150
+100 rep to all linked accounts                    200      200     200      200
Reduced advertisements                        No advertisements     200      200
Retag questions                                      1      200     500      500
Vote to close, reopen, or migrate your questions     1      250     250      250
Nominate for moderator                             No elections     300     3000†
Show up/down vote splits; user card                100      750    1000     1000
Create a gallery chat room                       1000 global reputation*    1000
Edit other people's posts                          500     1000    2000     2000
Suggest tag synonyms                              1250     1250    2500     2500
Vote to close, reopen, or migrate any questions      1      500    3000     3000
Approve tag wiki edits                             750     1500    5000     5000
Delete closed questions, moderation tools         1000     2000   10000    10000
Reduce captchas                                   1000?    2000   10000    10000
Review chat flags                               10000 global reputation*   10000
Protect questions                                 1750     3500   15000    15000
Edit tag wikis immediately; more deletion         2000     4000   20000    20000
View site analytics                               2500     5000   25000    25000
Unicorn Parsing HTML w/ RegEx T-Shirt                                     200000

Note: After a site is out of Public Beta, but before it is designed, it will still use the Public Beta thresholds.


  • every 1,000 reputation, get one bonus moderator flag per day (you start with 10; e.g. a 10ker has 20 flags).
  • Chat requirements are all based on global reputation -- except for Stack Overflow Chat and Meta Stack Overflow Chat, which only count their parent site's rep.
  • Stack Overflow moderator nomination also requires certain badges, not just rep.
  • Tag creation on Mathematics requires 1000 reputation, not 300.
  • Downvoting on Meta Stack Exchange is allowed at 100 reputation, not 125.
  • To participate in MathOverflow Meta, you only need 1 reputation.


This list is outdated.

                                               Private   Public  Designed  Unicorns
                                                  beta   ↓ beta    site    Waffles
                                               (same as parents)           (changes starred)
────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────── ──────── ──────── ──────────────────
Adding images or more than one link                  1       10?     10?      10?
Create community-wiki posts                         10?      10?     10       10
Vote up                                              1       15      15       15
Flag offensive                                      15       15      15       15
Chat                                           No chat  No chat No chat       20
Leave comments on any questions or answer            1       50      50        1*
Create a chat room                             No chat  No chat No chat      100
Edit community wiki posts                            1      100     100      100
Vote down (costs 1 rep for answers)                  1      125     125†     125
Create new tags                                      1      150     150*     500*
Retag questions                                      1      200     200*     500
Vote to close, reopen, or migrate your questions     1      250     250      250
Vote to close, reopen, or migrate any questions      1      500    3000     3000
Show total up and down vote counts                 100      750    1000     1000
Create a private chat room                     No chat  No chat No chat     1000
Edit other people's posts                          500     1000    2000     2000
Delete closed questions, moderation tools         1000     2000   10000    10000
Suggest tag synonyms                              1250     1250    2500     2500
Unicorn Parsing HTML w/ RegEx T-Shirt                                     200000?

Also keep in mind that when a site moves from one phase to another, there are no grandfathering of privileges of any kind. You'll immediately be held to the new privileges threshold and lose any privileges you no longer quality for.

Adam Lear StaffMod
  • 160.1k
  • 45
  • 501
  • 690