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The flag was invalidated, but not declined, it doesn't count against you. This particular flag result reason exists because:

  • All flags are kept in the system, even ones that are impossible to resolve or act upon (we don't hard delete much of anything here)
  • The system needs to be able to resolve them when impossible scenarios (like the target duplicate being deleted) happen.

If this weren't the case, we'd have the following options:

  1. Automatically mark the flag as helpful (bad, as many flags aren't helpful)
  2. Just delete the flag (bad, as people would wonder where their flag went)
  3. Nullify the flag like this, in a way that doesn't count for or against you

It's not anything you need to worry about. It's just a plug that fills a gap when a scenario sets up that makes your flag impossible to resolve as helpful or unhelpful. The flag is in its final state - it's not lingering, it's fully resolved. We should make this more obvious on the flag summary.

The reason has since been modified to say "removed during a deletion" instead of "eventinvalidated" to make this more clear.
