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If you only have two nicks listed here then you're not much of a name changer...
  • 33.6k
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Meme: Changing your display name on a whim.
Originator: Welbog
Cultural Height: TBD
Official Response: Limited to one change every 30 days.
Background: User Welbog likes to change his profile whenever it will make a post of his seem funnier. Other times it seems to just be on a whim. He will also edit his "About Me" text, to fit in with his current display name.

Also independently started by voyager in response to a post asking what constituted spam, trying to convey that some users are spam, comedic effect enhanced by answering in a post complaining about the Amazon Monty Python ads appearing when first introduced. After that, it just degenerated into a neverending competition with welbog to out do the wackiness of the other user's changes.

###Other changes of management

Brad Gilbert
  • 11.7k
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