Meme: Changing your display name on a whim.
Originator: Welbog
Cultural Height: TBD
Official Response: Limited to one change every 30 days.
Background: User Welbog likes to change his profile whenever it will make a post of his seem funnier. Other times it seems to just be on a whim. He will also edit his "About Me" text, to fit in with his current display name.
- Welbog
- Welboug (Old English spelling)
- Welbo_g (Censored Old English spelling)
- Ouèlbogue
- Susan (From the "new name for Welbog" contest)
- Susan Papadismgaogenabhieanae
- Susan Papadismgaogenabhieanaelaegkae
- (He is a big fan of lasers) (referenced here)
- Steven Spielberg's Welbog (Waste of a movie)
- Robox Prime (best cartoon on television in 2009)
- Chicago Ted
- I'm really awesome. Really.
- welbog at
- Hellbog (Evil twin of Smellbog)
- Birthday Welbog
- firtjer (It's fretje's fault)
- Gargamel (because they only had on Smurfette)
- NIfE
- The Encapsulator
- The Proposer
- Weblog
- Double Welbog
- Toronto
- Sid Meier
- Whom
- Killbog
Also independently started by voyager in response to a post asking what constituted spam, trying to convey that some users are spam, comedic effect enhanced by answering in a post complaining about the Amazon Monty Python ads appearing when first introduced. After that, it just degenerated into a neverending competition with welbog to out do the wackiness of the other user's changes.
- voyager
- spam
- Eggs, Spam, Ham and Spam
- Arthur voyager King
- smeagol
- spam AKA smeagol AKA voyager
- ûöyàgúer (or something like that)
- voyager's back
- voyager's mask
- the man with the shifting name
- voyλger
- waveyλger (Google Wave is a time sink)
- json
- perbert
###Other changes of management
- Pesto
- Uwe Boll's Pesto Based on Welbog's change to Steven Spielberg's Welbog
- Pesto Demands Fealty
- CSI Pesto
- Policeman Pesto (oink oink)
- Chetso
- Hilarious Comedy Pesto
- Gnovice
- John Carpenter's The Gnovice
- I'm kind of a big deal
- gnostradamus
- gnovices-exchange
- Gnovice
- John Rudy
- John Rudy's Grumpy
- Cigars and Bourbon are Good
- Cigars and Absinthe are Great
- user0x36E0
- Zombie Nixon
- Dr. Gonzo
- I miss my downvotes (a result of this bug)
- John Rudy
- belgariontheking
- Michael Bay's belgariontheking
- I am Chet Atwood
- Ether
- ðer
- Æther
- Ether
- Rich B
- Chet Atwood (which has resulted in a suspension)
- Geoffrey Chetwood
- Chris Lutz
- Changing my Meta Name is Cool
- Length Limits on Names are Stu
- Gnome
- The Cat
- Gnome
- Pekka
- What
- Questions
- Down with the 30 day waiting period
- I outwitted the 30 day waiting period
- Rejoice rejoice kbd is back
- Pekka's trolling account
- Pekka's other trolling account
- ccomet
- ccornet
- Grace Note
- Chacha102
- Tradition
- Chacha102
- Will
- Won't (coordinated with a meta-specific Yao Ming gravatar)