#Regular Hats
earn a silver badge
The Mad Hatter
edit, or suggest an edit, 5 times in a single UTC day without commenting on the post
Foot of the Rainbow
earn a gold badge
Just Jesting
post 10 comments that each earn an upvote
post an accepted answer that receives no other votes for 12 hours
Too Cool
vote on seven questions or answers using the Android or iOS app
The Milliner
collect 11 hats
Hero Of Time
ask a question when it is 7:00 pm in any time zone
ask a question and answer it yourself, with both posts getting a score of 3
Taco Tuesday Any Day
post five answers that each get a score of at least 3
Werewolf Hunter
edited 5 questions that were posted more than a year ago
Like Clockwork
visit the site on 10 consecutive UTC days
for 6 separate questions or answers, post gets edited by owner after you comment on it
get over 9,000 combined total views on all questions that you asked during Winter Bash
answer a question that has never been commented on; your answer gets no comments and scores 7+
earn 150 reputation points on three different sites (not including Stack Overflow) within 15 days.
It’s-a me!
delete 6 comments from under posts (not your own) that were edited by their owners after you commented on them
This Is Fine
delete 10 of your own comments posted in 2017 before the start of Winter Bash
I’ll Handle It
vote to close a question, edit it from closed, vote to reopen
use the site's search function on 3 consecutive UTC days
answer a question scoring -3 or lower; the question eventually becomes 3+ and your answer becomes 5+
And YOU Get A Hat!
own any hat while the entire site collectively has at least 20 distinct hats
Extra Toppings
post a competing answer to an existing accepted answer, reaching a score of at least +3