It's great that the Photography site will retain it's "Image of the Week", it been part of the site's look for a long time and would be sorely missed. I'm certain that there are other sites that will enjoy having a small spot in the upper right reserved for site specific usage.
The only problem is that previously there were two important links and accompanying text associated with the photo: Submit your Photo and Hall of Fame.
While retaining the photo credit is important and was done, omitting those links will hide the fact that participation is open to everyone and that there are rules for submitting a photo. We don't necessarily need fewer submissions and definitely don't need the contest hidden along with the FAQ.
Here's the current upper right corner:
Here's the proposed upper right corner:
We need: An additional one or two lines under the photographer credit for those two links.
A line for the Mod selected 'Site Message' ("Please participate in Meta and help us grow.") would also be appreciated. Deciding on this early and making it as cross compatible with the desires of other sites as possible will save the trouble of revisiting this point.