Many sites have a generic logo - a speech bubble in the SE brand color containing an abbreviation for the site. This speech bubble motif also continues in some of the custom logos.
Site | Logo | Site Topic | What the logo represents |
Academia | academia | Books | |
Android Enthusiasts | Android | The Android logo, though slightly changed to look like a speech bubble | |
Anime & Manga | anime and manga | Based on the stylized kanji for 画 |
Arduino | Arduino | An infinity symbol, based on the Arduino community logo | |
Arqade | videogames and videogame consoles | The Iconic ship from the game Galaga | |
Artificial Intelligence | artificial intelligence | A fingerprint, possibly related to biometrics authentication, a common application of AI | |
Ask Different | Apple hardware or software | the Command key found on Mac keyboards | |
Ask Patents | people interested in improving the patent system | ||
Ask Ubuntu | Ubuntu | A speech bubble in the Ubuntu primary brand color (co-designed by Canonical, the speech bubble was part of the design guidelines) | |
Aviation | aircraft pilots, mechanics, and enthusiasts | An aircraft attitude indicator | |
Bicycles | people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute on bicycles | A head tube badge | |
Biology | biology researchers, academics, and students | A stylised DNA double-helix | |
Blender | people who use Blender to create 3D graphics, animations, or games | The logo of the Blender software, but slightly changed to look like a speech bubble | |
Bricks | LEGO® and building block enthusiasts | A 2x2 Lego brick, a very common piece that is in over 3,000 sets. Discussed here | |
Buddhism | people practicing or interested in Buddhist philosophy, teaching, and practice | A Dharmachakra or Wheel of Dharma | |
Chemistry | scientists, academics, teachers, and students in the field of chemistry | A ball-and-stick diagram of Benzene | |
Chess | serious players and enthusiasts of chess | a rook (one of the chess pieces) | |
Chinese Language | students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Chinese language | 「漢」 The first character of the name for the Chinese script「漢字」or Chinese language「漢語」 | |
Christianity | committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in learning more | An encircled Western Christian cross | |
CiviCRM | administrators and users of the CiviCRM Constituent Relationship Management software | An adaptation of the CiviCRM logo | |
Code Golf | programming puzzle enthusiasts and code golfers | An award medal | |
Code Review | peer programmer code reviews | A magnifying glass looking at greeked code; the magnifying glass itself looks like a C and R , although some people see a Q , perhaps for “question” or “(code) quality” |
Computer Science | students, researchers and practitioners of computer science | a rooted binary tree | |
Constructed Languages | designers and users of artificial or invented languages, consciously developed instead of having developed naturally | The ISO 639-5 code for constructed languages | |
Craft CMS | administrators, end users, developers and designers for Craft CMS | The Craft CMS logo | |
Cross Validated | people interested in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data mining, and data visualization | Inspired by k-fold cross-validation | |
Cryptography | software developers, mathematicians and others interested in cryptography | Other than the letter C, it has elements of Lock, Key, Vault, Puzzle | |
Database Administrators | database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community | A UML-style symbol for a database | |
Drones and Model Aircraft | experienced flyers, pilots, and builders of drones and model aircraft | UAV stands for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, an alternate term for the subject | |
Drupal Answers | Drupal developers and administrators | A simplified Drupal logo | |
Electrical Engineering | electronics and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts | The circuit symbol for a diode | |
Emacs | those using, extending or developing Emacs | The letter e encapsulated in parentheses | |
English Language & Usage | linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts | A cursive (old-style) ampersand | |
English Language Learners | speakers of other languages learning English | a bookmark | |
ExpressionEngine® Answers | administrators, end users, developers and designers for ExpressionEngine® CMS | "... an icon mark, which reflect[s] the idea of a construction project: you always start with a plan or a schematic (the outlined E) of how something needs to be built. Then, as the project is finished, the final form (solid E) is what is seen by people for all time." | |
Game Development | professional and independent game developers | Three cubes | |
Geographic Information Systems | cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals | A compass | |
Graphic Design | Graphic Design professionals, students, and enthusiasts | The logo represents the creation process of a logo itself, with sketch lines still being visible, circles, squares and triangles being the basic shapes of any graphic design | |
Hinduism | followers of the Hindu religion and those interested in learning more about Hinduism | Om | |
Home Improvement | contractors and serious DIYers | A cross-head screw | |
Information Security | information security professionals | The shield represents defense; “the lion […] symbolizes strength and valor; the wings represent swiftness and protection” | |
Japanese Language | students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Japanese language | The first letter of the Japanese hiragana alphabet, which is the equivalent of the romanized letter A (meta post proposing it) |
Magento | users of the Magento e-Commerce platform | "...logo which captures the essence of Magento's logo, but is still unique to the community." | |
MathOverflow | professional mathematicians | A minimized version of the full logo, which consists of the name of the site with a visual indication of “overflow” | |
Mathematica | users of Wolfram Mathematica | Inspired by Wolfram’s Mathematica logo, but modified due to copyright reasons | |
Mathematics | math | visually represents 6 cubes, whereas the design was made by Jin discussed from this meta post. | |
Meta Stack Exchange | meta-discussion of the Stack Exchange family of Q&A websites | An empty Stack Exchange logo | |
Mi Yodeya | those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested in learning more | Inspired by the Tree of Life, subtly includes the Star of David (a popular Jewish symbol), and a question mark (with the dot being the o of Yodeya ) |
Movies & TV | movie and TV enthusiasts | Popcorn | |
Music: Practice & Theory | musicians, students, and enthusiasts | Piano Keys | |
Network Engineering | network engineers | Symbol for a router | |
Personal Finance & Money | people who want to be financially literate | A piggy-bank | |
Photography | professional, enthusiast and amateur photographers | A Polaroid photograph | |
Physics | active researchers, academics and students of physics | The "Mexican Hat" potential | |
Poker | serious players and enthusiasts of poker | A club (card suit) | |
Puzzling | those who create, solve, and study puzzles | Lock + Impossible Geometry; “Lock” represents riddle, mystery, and discovery; “Impossible Geometry” represents complexity, (almost) impossible to solve, mathematics | |
Quantum Computing | engineers, scientists, programmers, and computing professionals interested in quantum computing | A single bit | |
Raspberry Pi | users and developers of hardware and software for Raspberry Pi | Based on the Raspberry Pi logo; “Raspberry which symbolizes community roots and the device which is a foundation for everything you build [and] Circuit boards which are the main theme of the site” | |
Role-playing Games | gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games | a 20-sided die | |
Salesforce | Salesforce administrators, implementation experts, developers and anybody in-between | The Salesforce logo (a cloud with lots of connections inside) | |
Science Fiction & Fantasy | science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts | A rune circle | |
Seasoned Advice | professional and amateur chefs | A toque blanche (chef's white hat) | |
Server Fault | server, networking, or related infrastructure administration | There is no meta post associated with this logo, so presumably, it represents a server rack. | |
SharePoint | SharePoint enthusiasts | ||
Signal Processing | practitioners of the art and science of signal, image and video processing | ||
Skeptics | scientific skepticism | Based on Wikipedia's [citation needed] | |
Software Engineering | professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle | A cup of coffee. Essential part of every software engineer life. | |
Software Recommendations | people seeking specific software recommendations | two symbols combined: a "cog (as a metaphor for software, tool, program or app) and compass (as a metaphor for guidance)" | |
Spanish Language | linguists, teachers, students and Spanish language enthusiasts in general wanting to discuss the finer points of the language | the letter ñ, typically only found in Spanish | |
Stack Apps | apps, scripts, and development with the Stack Exchange API | A gear | |
スタック・オーバーフロー | 熱狂的でプロフェッショナルなプログラマーのためのQ&A | See Stack Overflow | |
Stack Overflow em Português | Perguntas e respostas para programadores profissionais e entusiastas | See Stack Overflow | |
Stack Overflow en español | Preguntas y respuestas para programadores y profesionales de la informática | See Stack Overflow | |
Stack Overflow на русском | practical programming problems in Russian | Russian language version of Stack Overflow. To distinguish it from other versions, the logo background is set to Dark Blue. | |
Stack Overflow | practical programming problems | A stack of papers overflowing from an in-tray | |
Stellar | developers and users of Stellar and the Stellar Distributed Exchange | The official currency code for the Stellar Lumen (see Tezos for reference) | |
Super User | computer software and hardware | an ASCII-style face. | |
TeX - LaTeX | TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems | A pair of braces, ubiquitous in the TeX world, represents a group, so the official logo {TEX} is a word play that means “TEX group”. The icon { } is a short form of that. | |
Tezos | users, experts, and developers of the Tezos blockchain project | The official currency code of Tezos. | |
The Workplace | members of the workforce navigating the professional setting | An origami letter O | |
Theoretical Computer Science | theoretical computer scientists and researchers in related fields | a deterministic finite automaton | |
Travel | travel-related questions | three overlapping pins as discussed in this meta post. | |
Unix & Linux | users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems | U and L, short for Unix and Linux | |
User Experience | user experience researchers and experts | a combination of the two letters “UX” with a star in the middle created using negative space. The star signifies excellence, which is what the field of UX strives to achieve in product design. | |
Veganism & Vegetarianism | those committed to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and anyone interested in learning more | The "suitable for vegans" symbol | |
Web Applications | power users of web applications | ||
Webmasters | pro webmasters | ||
WordPress Development | WordPress developers and administrators | The WordPress logo | |
Worldbuilding | writers/artists using science, geography and culture to construct imaginary worlds and settings | An unfinished world represented by a primitive sphere; the coloring is taken from a scan of a brain during the act of imagining; the planetary ring was added to make it more distinguishable at smaller sizes |