Here's a list of per-site meta discussions related to the strike (largely gathered from searching "is:q created:2023-05-30.. strike [discussion]
" on, sorted based on site traffic, and updated on a best-effort-basis. search seems bugged and shows fewer items than the count it returns. I've seen enough bugs now to just not be surprised.):
- Stack Overflow:
- (mirror of the above post): Moderation Strike: Stack Overflow, Inc. cannot consistently ignore, mistreat, and malign its volunteers
- How is Stack Overflow Inc. prepared for a possible moderation strike by community elected moderators on June 5?
- What has happened to lead moderators to consider striking?
- Unix & Linux: General moderators' strike
- Ask Ubuntu:
- Super User: General moderators' strike
- Mathematics:
- Server Fault: Labor action notice
- Stack Overflow en español: Huelga de moderación en la red de Stack Exchange
- Database Administrators: Ongoing Moderation Strike
- Cross Validated: June 5 General Moderation Strike: Recap, Possible roles, consequences and other relevant info
- Academia:
- Academia.SE Moderation Strike
- Moderation strike (posted to the main site)
- What is the impact of the moderation strike on Academia.SE?
- Arqade: Community Moderator Strike
- MathOverflow: Stack Exchange moderation strike
- Role-Playing Games: Stack Exchange general moderation and curation strike begins today
- Web Applications: Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange Moderators Strike
- Science Fiction & Fantasy: Sci-Fi moderators on AI content strike
- Bicycles: Stack Exchange Moderation Strike
- Cryptography: Moderator strike due to SE forcing AI-moderation policy
- Seasoned Advice: Are our mods taking part in the walkout?
- Webmasters: Will Webmasters moderators be participating the the strike?
- Music: Practice & Theory: General Moderation Strike!
- Astronomy: June 5 Strike - Who, What, Why, and how to join
- Bitcoin: Notice: I’m participating in the Moderation Strike
- Computational Science: Moderation & curation strike: Mistrust, mistreat, and harmful imposed policies
- Retrocomputing: The Stack Exchange data dump has been switched off
- Personal Finance & Money: I will be joining the moderator strike
- Biology: Moderators and community curators are on strike - how will it affect the site?
- Chess: June 5 Strike - Who, What, When, Why, and How to Join
- History: Where is HSE regarding the current strike?
- Physical Fitness: The Stack Moderator Strike
- Medical Sciences: MedicalSciences.SE Moderation Strike
- Arts & Crafts: Community Moderator Strike
- Sustainable Living: Community Moderator Strike
Honourable mentions:
- Community Building main site: What could be the way out when interests of content curators and company drastically clash over ChatGPT content?
- Law main site: What 'specific legal meaning' does the word "strike" have?
- Puzzling main site: Moderation strike: a tired lunatic (4)
- Blog posts by users I find notable (yes, I know these aren't meta discussions, but this is my post, so too bad hehe):
- Monica Cellio: Stack Overflow is alienating its community again
- Jon Ericson: Stack Exchange moderator strike
- Jon Ericson: Why I'm signing the Stack Overflow strike letter
- Jon Ericson: How's the Stack Overflow strike going?