Ask the question on the site you think is most applicable. If, like in this case, it does not get any answer, ask a moderator to migrate the question, or alternatively, delete it and re-ask it.
Each site is focused on a specific topic area. If you have a question you feel is too ambiguous, either re-think the question carefully, or do as suggested above.
Many questions people have labeled as being applicable cross-site have been proven to be valid on a single site if written properly and thought through. SE is not a wild west for questions; a question needs to be worked on to be worthy, and if worthy, it will target a specific audience.
Also, if you don't get a response, you can always set a bounty on your question, which will give it much better exposure. This will also mean you have a better chance at getting a good answer.
Specific Answer
Looking at the question you're referring to specifically, you're asking the wrong question and not providing enough detail. I have commented on your question and would suggest you update your question with more specific detail — it's not very clear what is going wrong, and without specific information, it is hard to try and answer your question.
The only valid answer I can come up with at this point is that it works perfectly for me based on what you described. The question — as is — is a SF question. However, if you provide specific information, it would be valid on SO since it is referring to the configuration of a development tool.