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@bad_coder the statement was in context of my own country and my friend's behaviour for which he has since had an apology from the police for wrongful arrest. Yes it's not universally true across all countries and all definitions of "annoy".
I don't think I held any of these "misconceptions" when I wrote my question. Even with #2, having a concern about the safety of one thing isn't the same as saying something else would be more safe.
It's a shame so many have read this as me leaping to the defence of this user. Like you, I see this user's prior behaviour as potentially leading to legitimate suspension while leading them to think they're being harassed. My main concern was what checks and balances exist over the confidential process. You have made some effort explain that. Thanks!
@Catija it's difficult to ask this question without accidentally inferring I'm (arbitrarily) in favour of the user. Actually my views are a lot more nuanced than that. Mostly my concern is that confidentiality has historically led to abuses in most contexts I can think of.
@Catija I did't mean to accuse moderators of anything here. Now that you mention it, the user in question mentioned both moderators and staff. I don't have a clear understanding of the internal process for suspensions so I can't edit to clarify the question. Only... I see the accusations, I see the suspension ... I'm concerned.
@Catija Could you elaborate on how that affects my concern that these decisions remain confidential, and the user has already complained of "harrassment"?
@BartvanIngenSchenau I see your point that it would be better to have the other feature request as well or just filter attribution. But neither smell like massive code changes individually or cumulatively. The data is all already there, it's just a question of how it's presented / processed in a handful of places.
@PM2Ring why do you believe this change would be massive? The counts are maintained as separate numbers already, its just a change to the trigger that actually closes the question.