As determined from earlier discussions, the retag privilege serves a lot more confusion and a lot less of its benefit due to the suggested edit system. It must be done away with. It will be done away with. ♪
In light of this decided course of action, we're going to need a new snack for the road between "Create Tags" at 300 reputation and "Established User" at 1000 reputation. We'd like your help in thinking about some ideas on what would be a nice privilege to sit at this level. Since we're... a bit dry on our end.
The primary guideline in deciding what kind of privilege to put here is acknowledging its position in the overall hierarchy of privileges. 500 reputation is an early-intermediate user, one who has started to really get the hang of the site and its function. It can be something that provides convenience in how they currently can act on the site, or it could be some new functionality that fits as an early ability (especially considering there's no new abilities until 2000 reputation's "Edit Everywhat" ability).
I look forward to hearing what creative ideas y'all can provide.