Strah choose to improve the suggested edit but left the 'helpful' checkbox checked. I'll be charitable and suggest that that was accidental. However, he did so outside of the review queue, using the edit (1)
link directly on the question itself instead.
Community is attributed 'helpful' accepts (example 1, 2), just as it is attributed 'not helpful' rejections. This is not always the case, like this edit for example, was also improved by Strah, and it is simply marked as approved. Community was not involved there; I think because the post was edited by a 3rd party between suggestion and review action there.
But take a look at the timestamps. Community 'accepted' the suggested edit at 09:34:49, and strah's edit was at 09:34:49. Ergo, Community accepted the suggested edit because Strah improved it and left the checkbox marked.
Normally, when done through the review queue, such improvements also are recorded as a review action; 'Edit' in this case. But because the edit was made outside of the queue, the only record of this is the approval attributed to Community, and the 'improved' edit by Strah in the post revision history.
edit (1)
link then; that's the detail I was missing here! :-)