Under accounts
tab of a user's profile, words questions and answers are used even when count is 1. For live example, you can go to my profile & click accounts
tab. Scroll down to Drupal Answers row where you can find "1 answers" which should be "1 answer". Or, scroll down to Server Fault row to see both "1 questions" and "1 answers".
Page on Stack Overflow
Page on Stack Exchange
1 Answer
This is not a bug.
It's actually a clever feature designed to encourage people with obsessive-compulsive tendencies who are bothered by this sort of thing to contribute more content to the site.
If you ask another question and post another answer, the problem goes away. It's not the developers who are at fault here, it's you!
1If it is, go here: serverfault.com/users/71823/sachin-shekhar . Here, you can find words "1 Question" & "1 Answer". Why is that? Commented Mar 15, 2012 at 10:15
@SS-3.1415926535897932384626433 - take a look at this: Incorrect use of the plural form (“one questions/answers”). In particular, the comment from rene. Thx. Commented Jul 13, 2015 at 19:35
1 Times
has been corrected to1 Time
. Then, why is this onestatus-bydesign