In addition to the query from @Glorfindel, this query let you select all not closed questions that have an arbitrary number of tags. You can enter two, three, four tags separated by semi-colons.
-- will hold our selected tags
create table #selectedtags(value nvarchar(35) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS)
-- fill selectedtags based on the ; delimited tags
insert into
select rtrim(ltrim(value))
from string_split(##tags:string?winforms;linq##, ';')
-- select posts
select as [Post Link]
, p.creationdate
, p.score
, p.tags
from posts p
inner join posttags pt
on pt.postid = -- for each tag per post a row
inner join tags t
on = pt.tagid -- which tag
inner join #selectedtags st
on st.value = t.tagname -- select the tags
-- check if the post doesn't have more tags
where (select count(*)
from posttags pc
where pc.postid = = (select count(*)
from #selectedtags)
and closeddate is not null
-- have the exact count of tags
group by
, p.creationdate
, p.score
, p.tags
having count(*) = (select count(*)
from #selectedtags)
Keep in mind SEDE is only updated once a week, on Sunday.