I usually log in to a Stack Exchange site using another site (Google, Facebook, etc.) as my account provider. However, I'm currently unable to use my current login provider (e.g., forgot the password to that account, in an environment where it's blocked, deleted my loginaccount on that provider is blocked, etc.). Is there any way for me to log in to my existing Stack Exchange account even though I can't use my account provider?
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog
- 99.3k
- 17
- 201
- 425
Rollback to Revision 10 - Some sites have additional login options (e.g. SO has GitHub, Ask Ubuntu has Launchpad, etc.)
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog
- 99.3k
- 17
- 201
- 425
For some time now, only Google or Facebook can be used, all others can't be used anymore as providers.
Shadow Wizard
- 175k
- 33
- 437
- 864
- 15.3k
- 2
- 36
- 86
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog
- 99.3k
- 17
- 201
- 425
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog
- 99.3k
- 17
- 201
- 425
replaced http://meta.stackexchange.com/ with https://meta.stackexchange.com/