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Used the official name of Stack Overflow - see section "Proper Use of the Stack Exchange Name" in (the last section), etc.
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Does StackOverflowStack Overflow use EventSourcing to keep tracking of each change on a post edit?

I'm curious to know how does StackOverflowStack Overflow store in database the revisions/versions of each post edition in the database?

Does it represent each edition version in the database, following the Temporal Pattern? Meaning each time an edition is submitted, a new insertion is made incrementing the edition version?

Or does it implement Event Sourcing? storingStoring only events and replaying them to build the history.

Does StackOverflow use EventSourcing to keep tracking of each change on a post edit?

I'm curious to know how does StackOverflow store in database the revisions/versions of each post edition?

Does it represent each edition version in database, following the Temporal Pattern? Meaning each time an edition is submitted, a new insertion is made incrementing the edition version?

Or does it implement Event Sourcing? storing only events and replaying them to build the history.

Does Stack Overflow use EventSourcing to keep tracking of each change on a post edit?

I'm curious to know how does Stack Overflow store the revisions/versions of each post edition in the database?

Does it represent each edition version in the database, following the Temporal Pattern? Meaning each time an edition is submitted, a new insertion is made incrementing the edition version?

Or does it implement Event Sourcing? Storing only events and replaying them to build the history.

added 3 characters in body
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I'm curious to know how does StackOverflow store in database the revisions/versions of each post edition?

Does it represent each edition version in database, following the Temporal Pattern? Meaning each time an edition is submitted, a new insertion is made incrementing the edition version?

Or does it implement Event Sourcing? storing only events and replayreplaying them to build the history.

I'm curious to know how does StackOverflow store in database the revisions/versions of each post edition?

Does it represent each edition version in database, following the Temporal Pattern? Meaning each time an edition is submitted, a new insertion is made incrementing the edition version?

Or does it implement Event Sourcing? storing only events and replay them to build the history.

I'm curious to know how does StackOverflow store in database the revisions/versions of each post edition?

Does it represent each edition version in database, following the Temporal Pattern? Meaning each time an edition is submitted, a new insertion is made incrementing the edition version?

Or does it implement Event Sourcing? storing only events and replaying them to build the history.

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  • 173
  • 5

Does StackOverflow use EventSourcing to keep tracking of each change on a post edit?

I'm curious to know how does StackOverflow store in database the revisions/versions of each post edition?

Does it represent each edition version in database, following the Temporal Pattern? Meaning each time an edition is submitted, a new insertion is made incrementing the edition version?

Or does it implement Event Sourcing? storing only events and replay them to build the history.