###TL;DR: On sites with a custom design, do not change the shape of the tags. On sites with the temporary design, you can modify their shape at will. Just don't make them disappear.
TL;DR: On sites with a custom design, do not change the shape of the tags. On sites with the temporary design, you can modify their shape at will. Just don't make them disappear.
I would prefer the following change:
For sites with the "temporary design", keep them squared.
For sites with their own design, DON'T SQUARE THEM! Designers would have alerady squared them if they wanted to, don't force them to square the tags.
Yes, I shout for freedom. Freedom means that you are free to do whatever you want with the design, including the tags. The tags are a part of the site, and they show something about it. Today, I SUDDENLY [can't stress that enough] saw SQUARE tags. "Tags are...roundsquare..." was my initial thought when I saw this. And it spread to other sites as well! My next thought was "The tag design is 100% freesquare".