status-declined The primary CTA in this situation is "Join". We previously tested it in various locations and far right was the best. So we will keep the current order.
The switch switcher gets shunted aside by the "Join this community" button on sites I haven't joined:
It would make more sense to swap these two because:
- The switch switcher is on the far right everywhere else, and
- The "join this community" button would replace the other community-related icons (review, rep, etc.).
On another note, please don't hide the inbox on sites I haven't joined. I should be able to check notifications from sites I have joined whilst browsing sites I haven't joined.
For now I'm using these Stylish rules:
#custom-header, .-container .-main, .-ctas {
/* Nuke the Ubuntu custom top bar, the SE logo and the "join" button */
display: none;
#search {
padding-left: 0;
.js-top-bar {
/* Keep the top bar on top, force black for AU */
width: 100%;
position: sticky;
background-color: black;
.top-bar~.container {
/* Remove the extra padding for the site header */
margin-top: 0;
.top-bar .my-profile .-rep {
/* rep count needn't be bold */
font-weight: normal;
The top bar is now, AFAICT, consistent across SE sites.