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Jun 30, 2019 at 8:19 comment added rene Mod @Mari-LouA yep, we agree on that.
Jun 30, 2019 at 8:14 comment added Mari-Lou A Слава Україні I do not consider that question to be a click bait title, (I can think of far better titles that could enter HNQ) I am certain that the user posted a genuine and motivated question and I am sure it has helped many visitors in the past and probably in the future too, but I cannot imagine why a question with >800,000 views and only 17 upvotes heads the league table. Yes, I understand it's anonymous votes but the criteria/algorithm used still doesn't make a lot of sense
Jun 30, 2019 at 8:08 comment added rene Mod @Mari-LouA if anything, that page will learn you what a click-bait title look like. As anonymous votes are the key factor on that page I can only advise ELU users to start an incognito session in their browser and feedback on posts that are not yet a greatest hit but deserve to be ... I'm glad you already noticed my answer and this comment is kind of ridiculous. The option with the least friction would be to make that page redirect to /404 ...
Jun 30, 2019 at 7:43 comment added Mari-Lou A Слава Україні Furthermore, you'll find that the first two pages are questions posted earlier than 2014. Older questions tend to accumulate more views, but please note that the greatest hit question only has 17 upvotes. What do you propose that users on EL&U do? Downvote a perfectly legitimate question? Edit it to make it less appealing? What about writing up a duplicate for #14 question to "Any other good way of saying “Happy Birthday”? and/or ask the community to delete it as being off-topic? Which today it would be, but it has its place in the archives, just not on the Greatest Hits page.
Jun 30, 2019 at 7:31 comment added Mari-Lou A Слава Україні If you, as a user, don't think a post should be there then you should write / curate the content better so those better posts collect views to replace the current ones on that page Judgmental much? The really interesting stuff is curated, but we (users) cannot dictate to visitors what question they will click on. Unless you know a trick or two, then please share :)
Jun 30, 2019 at 7:28 history answered reneMod CC BY-SA 4.0